
Two men shake hands at a professional meeting

ADHD Professionals: How to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview

Dreading your next in-person interview? You’re not alone. Many neurodivergent professionals, especially those with ADHD, would rather fix a broken toilet than go through job interviews. Why? Job interviews involve lots of social cues, which many people with ADHD struggle with. It’s not always something they can improvise on the spot – in fact, these ... Read more
woman in green sweat sitting in chair puts her head in her hand

Job Hunting With Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

Job hunting for neurodivergent professionals isn’t just hard — many describe it as their own personal hell. Why? Because the job-hunting process is filled with rejection and ghosting. And that can be frustrating. The advice we receive? “Grow a thicker skin!” “Get used to hearing the word ‘no’!” But for individuals who experience RSD — ... Read more
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